Gender-Neutral Housing Considered

October 6, 2011 Cat Tacopina 0

There are currently 38 schools in the United States that offer gender-neutral housing. Student Association (SA) Executive Vice President Eve Stern is hoping that SUNY New Paltz will be added to the list. At one of the most recent senate meetings, Stern brought up the topic of gender-neutral […]

What is the One Demand?

October 6, 2011 oracle 0

Much like there were signs, blog posts and Facebook event pages created for the protest held yesterday on our campus, those behind their self-proclaimed revolution on Wall Street also created poster-like imagery to promote their cause. The initial image, depicting a dancer perched on top of one of the most famous statues in the financial district, features text that begs the following question: “What is our one Demand?” The problem is, we don’t know. That is why we at The New Paltz Oracle feel the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors should borrow […]