Letter to the Editor – Russo

Unlike presidential elections, the Village of New Paltz elections are thankfully brief. After only a month of campaigning, and in less than a week, we will have a chance to fill two seats on our Village Board. Our local elected officials make many decisions that directly impact our lives and our quality of life. This is even more true with the current federal budget and policy changes proposed in Washington, D.C. For example, our local officials may need to find a substitute for the federal dollars we have been receiving to maintain our sewer and water infrastructure. Emergency preparedness money also comes from the federal government. Funding for these and many other programs are threatened. In addition, the federal government is making a policy that instills fear in our neighbors and tears at the fabric of our community. Our local elected officials must serve as a firewall against this fear mongering.

I am supporting KT Tobin and Rebecca Rotzler for Village Trustees. They are two experienced women, who have served New Paltz as elected officials and in many volunteer capacities. KT’s work on the school board, the Emergency Planning Committee and her help organizing Flood Aid and the Regatta show her commitment and passion for New Paltz. Rebecca has served many years as a Village Trustee, working on affordable housing, emergency services and the Millbrook Preserve. Rebecca and KT will engage and listen to all of us, work with their colleagues and get the job done. They will bring a female perspective, a fighting spirit and a compassionate heart to the Village Board. Please join me in voting on May 2 for Rebecca Rotzler and KT Tobin.

Andrea Russo

New Paltz