New Paltz Give-Back: Swapping Clothes for Sustainability

In today’s world, fashion trends come and go quicker than the seasons, and it’s almost impossible to keeping up with an ever changing wardrobe. Clubs around campus as well as other organizations have been hosting clothing swaps, which promote sustainability and keep clothes out of landfills. The SUNY New Paltz costume department held a clothing swap a few months ago, which was quite the success. 

Clothing swaps are defined as, a type of swapmeet wherein participants exchange their valued but no longer used clothing for clothing they will use. 

The volume of clothing Americans have thrown to waste has doubled in the last 20 years from 7 million to 14 million. In 2018, 17 million tons of textile waste ended up in landfills, according to data from the Environmental Protection Agency. Textiles, such as clothing can take up to 200 years to decompose in landfills, and clothing swaps are an easy and free way to cut back on this consumer waste and help to save the planet.

There are many ways to get involved in a clothing swap; Facebook has different groups to join to find out when they’ll occur. Groups are made for whole states, smaller towns and even online! A notable Facebook group for hosting swaps is called The Clothing Swap and you’re able to join in the app. 

Clothing swaps are definitely happening near you wherever you’re located, and if you can’t find any public swaps you can always host your own with your friends!

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About Samantha Salerno 84 Articles
Samantha (Sam) Salerno is a third-year performing arts major who has a passion for writing. This is her third semester on The Oracle. She spent the majority of her summer working for the publication, Fire Island News. You can reach her by emailing