Sport or Not? Time Management

Art Credit: Greta Hahn

Time management: a skill that’s just out of reach as you have no time to learn how to manage your time. It takes dedication and trial and error to have an organized and balanced schedule. 

You buy a planner at the beginning of the year. Your play book. It tells you when and where to be, what assignments to tackle and how to get into a position that will allow you to crush this semester. Then, you lose it in the mess of your room that you forgot to make time to clean because you were busy being an academic weapon. 

Unfortunately, the academic weapon shuts down because you don’t know what assignments are due. So, maybe a digital planner works better for you? You won’t lose your phone, it’s always in your hand. Time to clean your room, find the planner and transfer all the assignments into an app. 

While you’re on your phone you might as well call your mom right? She misses you. You’re on the phone for an hour. It’s 10 p.m. You have two assignments due at midnight. You still didn’t eat tonight. You shed a few tears while your roommate pretends to ignore it. Time: 1, you: 0. 

Tomorrow will be different. You have your new play book, a cute outfit picked out and a study room in the library booked. You’re going to make up the assignments you didn’t get to tonight. 

Next day. Study room gets canceled to have lunch with friends. When was the last time you even saw them? 

Two more assignments to make up. Time: 2, you: 0.

About Alyssa Sciarrone 30 Articles
Alyssa Sciarrone is the Arts & Entertainment Editor of The Oracle. She is a fourth-year journalism major and audio engineering minor from Brooklyn, New York. You can contact her at