Two Years of Gunks Gaming Guild Cafe

Gunks Gaming Guild Cafe hosts events throughout the month such as open mics, Dungeons and Dragons campaigns and weekly Chess Club meetings. Photo Credit Alyssa Sciarrone.

Tucked away on Church Street in New Paltz, hidden behind art stores and noisy restaurants galore lies one of the town’s most treasured gems: Gunks Gaming Guild Cafe. On the outside, it doesn’t seem like much. A home, covered in chipped blue paint and a rustic yet charming exterior, of flashy pride flags thrown all over the establishment blissfully inviting customers from all walks of life to come inside. Yet the inside reveals the cafe’s true intrigue.

A warm, homey and steamy aura envelopes its patrons immediately upon entry. The scent of freshly brewed Americano wafts through the air enticing them to sit down and try a cup. Guests are greeted with the warmest of smiles, the friendliest of waves and a lovely and enthusiastic “Hi!” that sets every drop of anxiety to rest. The first thing patrons see upon entry are the delicious baked goods locked away behind the glass displays, capable of tempting even the healthiest of eaters to at least try a steaming hot donut. Even more telling are the elegantly hand-painted murals plastered all over the cafe’s walls — an homage to the primarily Dungeons & Dragons-focused community that frequents the space. These simple pleasures solidify Gunks Gaming Guild as one of New Paltz’s most valued and adored businesses.

Many of the students on campus come from large cities; areas where a small business like Gunks is an everyday thing that people glance over. Yet here, Gunks represents something totally unique to many of us. The gaming cafe stands out as a symbol of New Paltz-ian unity — one of the first times many of us will experience what it’s like to truly acknowledge the near-familial relationships everyone in town shares with one another. Just being there for a moment, seeing all the patrons relax in the atmosphere and laugh with the warmest of smiles on their faces makes any outsider feel at home. The aesthetic of the establishment does no less than encourage connection amongst its patrons, enticing laughter, story-telling and invoking lively conversation that turns the most peculiar of strangers into the dearest of friends.

Recently, the gaming cafe celebrated their two year anniversary, which is an astonishing feat for many small businesses. However, it comes to no New Paltz resident’s surprise that they’ve made it this far. Few establishments are capable of keeping each experience unique, fun and welcoming for every single passer-by and visitor, yet it’s something that Gunks excels at. 

Each night of the week they celebrate a different event to bring new patrons in: salsa dance workshops, open mic nights and book-launch parties. Gunks always finds a way to make every walk-in a new, fun and refreshing night.

The atmosphere isn’t the only part of the cafe that’s treasured. The drinks and baked goods served are some of the most delectable treats that many Gunks-goers will ever have. All of the items, from the shaken caramel espresso to the steaming chai latte to the loaded chocolate doughnut are downright amazing and reasonably priced. They also have different kinds of dairy and its substitutes, making sure that regardless of dietary preferences, anyone can indulge themselves in an artisanally brewed beverage.

As Gunks continues onward past their two year anniversary and looks toward the future, the town of New Paltz continues to stand by their side and return with their supportive patronage. For many of us, we’ve never had the pleasure of trying and supporting such a lovely, inclusive and fun small business, and it leaves every resident of New Paltz excited to see where Gunks will go next. Whatever they decide to do with their business in the future, the business knows they will always have the support of the New Paltz community, just as the community knows they’ll always have a home away from home they can relax in. If you’re ever in town looking for somewhere warm to welcome you with a chortle and toss a soothing home-brewed cappuccino in your hands, just know that Gunks Gaming Guild Cafe is always ready to serve that role.

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