
Horoscopes for the beginning of October — let’s hope your future isn’t as frightful as this spooky month!
Horoscopes for the beginning of October — let’s hope your future isn’t as frightful as this spooky month!

Aries: You are shrouded in uncertainty. You do not know who to trust or where to turn. This period of doubt may be coming from recent events that have left you feeling blindsided or left out of the picture. Now is a good time to reevaluate your relationships and prioritize your own well-being. Reorient yourself in what you know, and distance yourself from what you do not. Finding answers to the questions you have may not bring you the comfort you think it will right now.

Taurus: You have found yourself in a position of power. Whether that is in a leadership project for an academic or work event or taking the reins in a relationship, you are behind the wheel and it feels good. Remind yourself that you have what it takes to be in control. This does not have to be a fleeting moment. Continue to believe in yourself and set goals. The rest will follow.

Gemini: A time of dramatic upheaval in your life is coming to an end, and you are emerging into a new and refreshing era. Put the past behind you and let yourself move on from the emotionally-tolling events of the past weeks. You have so much to look forward to now, and holding on to the pain you have felt will only sour your success. You may never forget, but you can always forgive.

Cancer: Say it with me: you have grown as an individual, and you know now how to deal with what triggers you. Give yourself the pat on the back that you deserve. You have come so far, and you can see the progress you have made. Now, you are about to begin a prosperous era full of love and joy. You deserve this. Enjoy the love you are about to receive. Yes, romantic love.

Leo: Good news is coming and fast. Indulge in your delusions and fantasies. You’re a Leo for crying out loud. What is there you can’t accomplish? The news may be love-related: a class crush liking you back, the cute person you always pass on Academic Row stopping in their tracks to talk to you or even just the simple follow-back you were waiting on. Get excited!

Virgo: Despite the temptations and emotions you have felt about recent situations, you have opted to take the high road and demonstrate that you are capable of remaining wise and level-headed when it comes to conflict and dealing with the immaturity of others. Not only has this put you in a better mental state, but you are recognizing your own progress with healing from situations in which you were wronged and even traumatized. Use this to quell your inner doubts. You can do this, and you know it.

Libra: You have seen your fair share of conflict and tribulations lately, but you are starting to get back on track. The road ahead seems intimidating and for good reason. There is a lot of work that still needs to be done, and a lot of progress to make, but take this as a chance to demonstrate to yourself that you can handle this pressure. The hardest part is over, and while what remains to be taken care of certainly won’t be easy, you will emerge on the other side, glad that you put your best foot forward.

Scorpio: You have a difficult choice to make. Two people are competing over you, and it’s taking over your life. As cinematic as it seems, you need to ground yourself in reality and do what you need to do. In your heart of hearts, you know who to choose, so do it. There will be consequences for not communicating your feelings quickly enough to both parties.

Sagittarius: You are not in sync with someone in your life who you are very close to, but do not let it worry you. There are bound to be temporary disconnections even in the closest of bonds. Your focuses and goals are not lining up with theirs, and that’s okay. Remember that this is not creating a conflict, just some distance, and distance can always be closed. Do not force anything. You will be back in step with this person before you know it.

Capricorn: You are feeling lonely, but you know what you need to work on so you can get back out there. A past situation has left you feeling isolated and miserable. Your body and mind are recognizing, however, that it is time to begin moving forward. There is nothing left to linger on. Spend time with yourself and continue to feel all your feelings deeply, but know that you must press onward, no matter how impossible that may seem.

Aquarius: It was not easy, but you have decided to end your grudge and choose forgiveness. You knew that remaining in a state of anger and disappointment was not bringing you anything beneficial or productive, and you are moving on with a lighter mind and eagerness to put this behind you. Now all that’s left is to go out and have fun. The end of this period will bring new excitement and joy in your social life. Go experience it!

Pisces: You’ve had quite the imaginative mind lately. You are pondering the options that lie in front of you, and that includes your career, creative expenditures and relationships. However, this does not come from a place of anxiety or dread. You are simply just excited about everything that life has to offer, and sometimes that can be overwhelming. Good fortune lies ahead, so trust in the universe and know that someone is always looking out for you.

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