Dear Editor:
Students of SUNY New Paltz. My name is Brian Kimbiz, I am 26 years old and a recent graduate of SUNY NP. Two years ago I was elected to the New Paltz Village Board. This year I am the only member of the board not up for re-election. Meaning, you the community, will be deciding the four other people I will be working with for the next two years. With that I would like to give you some suggestions on candidates that I think will serve in the students and community’s best interest and I would like to give you some words of caution.
First, suggestions: I believe Trustee Jean Gallucci is the hands down best choice for Mayor. I have worked with Trustee Gallucci for the last two years. She has more knowledge of local government than all the Mayoral candidates combined. With a brand new board it is essential that we have someone with a great understanding of the mechanics of the Village government to guide the new trustees. She is open-minded, thoughtful and has always tried to do whats best for everyone. Even under a large amount of pressure she voted against the noise ordinance because she knew it was the right thing to do.
For the three Trustee positions I throw my support behind Trustee Shari Osborn, Ariana Basco and Emily Crocetti. I have worked with Shari for the past two years. From what I have seen, she cares about this community about as much as anyone could. She supports the arts, the local economy, the environment and making our community an all around great one. Trustee Osborn has a huge heart and that is a great quality for a trustee. Ariana Basco is truly one of a kind. I have worked with her since my days in student government. She is energetic, smart and extremely passionate about sustainability, the environment and open government to name a few. Even more importantly we can trust her to protect the students’ rights here in New Paltz. Admittedly I do not know Emily Crocetti too well. However, I throw my support behind her because I know she will always be willing to stand up for students’ rights as a student herself. In addition, from what I’ve seen she seems smart and open-minded. Where experience may lack these traits make up for a lot.
Finally, my words of caution, and they really boil down to two parts. First, it is important to get out and vote. When I ran my campaign I literally won by a single vote. Because of every single one of my 95 votes I have been able to represent the student body in a way that is virtually unheard of in our local government. Literally one vote could have changed that. Second, be wary of who you are voting for. I understand with the busy schedule of student life it’s not easy to stay up to date on all the issues facing our community. In the past people have not been completely honest with the student body in order to get their vote and this has been to our detriment. This is why it is essential to ask the right questions, become informed or ask someone that you can trust; don’t just vote for catchy words and broad ideas. I believe the candidates I have suggested will protect the student’s interests as well as the interests of the community at large and I ask that on May 3 you go to the Firehouse on Plattekill Avenue and make your voice heard.
Brian Kimbiz
Village of New Paltz Trustee