A Playlist For … Driving The Speed Limit

The art of crafting a driving playlist is one that demands skill and expertise. Navigating the right genres, song lengths and vibes are all crucial to create the perfect playlist for those late-night drives. While I’m someone who can hop to ShopRite with my “On Repeat” playlist looping the same five songs, some moments call for that expertly-curated queue. For me, that’s driving down the I-84 East homebound, narrowly avoiding causing an eight car pile-up and never straying from the 65 miles per hour speed limit. To brave the open road and to prevent becoming a victim of Final Destination, you’re gonna need some tunes to get your blood pumping, heart racing and your mind ready to follow the legal speed limit. Raging instruments paired with raspy vocals are my go-to, but sometimes even my favorite artists have some hidden bops that get my foot gently stepping on the gas. Why not take a trip down the old interstate at a cruising law-abiding speed and jam out to these bangers?

  1. DVP – PUP
  2. Brianstorm – Arctic Monkeys
  3. Coul as a Ghoul – The Voidz
  4. Reptilia – The Strokes
  5. Aneurysm – Nirvana
  6. Crackity Jones – Pixies
  7. Broken Boy – Cage The Elephant
  8. Paperface – Weezer
  9. Smoko – The Chats
  10. Two Trucks – Lemon Demon