New Paltz Climate Smart
What They Do
New Paltz Climate Smart is an environment conservation organization dedicated to minimizing the release of greenhouse gasses through “mitigation and adaptation” in order to lessen the impacts of climate change. The group is currently operating a “Climate Smart Communities Task Force” that is pushing for a Climate Smart Community certification in New Paltz.
How to Get Involved
Meetings are held on the third Monday of every month at the community center. You can also help support the cause by visiting their website and reading their outline on ways in which you can reduce greenhouse gas emissions: spathania.wixsite.com/newpaltzclimatesmart.
Who to Contact
The committee chair, Janelle Peotter, can be reached by phone at 920-883-1788 or by email at janellepeotter@gmail.com. Be sure to like their Facebook page newpaltzclimatesmart and follow their Instagram @newpaltzclimatesmart for more information.
All in A Capella
What They Do
All in A Capella is a brand new intersectional, all-gender A Capella organization on campus for members of the LGBTQ+, the POC communities and their allies. Their mission includes performing music by artists from within the community for causes that affect those in the community as well as working towards “liberation, performance, charitable actions and true friendship.”
How to Get Involved
All in A Capella’s first general interest meeting was held yesterday on Jan. 29. But it’s not too late to reach out to the group if you are interested in joining! Be sure to follow their instagram @allinacappella as well for updates on future meetings and auditions!
Who to Contact
You may reach out to the organization by email at allinacappella@gmail.com, by phone 516-582-5949 or send them a message via their Instagram!