Aries: You’re hyper-concerned with how you come off to the world and how you are perceived. You want to make your best impression and have others respect you, but by being so obsessed over it, you are ending up underconfident and hidden from the world. It’s the only break you give yourself from stress. You aren’t making any important discoveries. You’re only finding new blockages and barriers instead. It’s time to let go and let bygones be bygones. You can’t control how everyone thinks. All you need to do is exist in whatever way feels possible.
Taurus: It’s hard, if not impossible, to find balance when all you know is struggle. You’re trying to overcome it all by fighting it and grasping for control, but it’s hard. It’s not working the way you want it to. At the end of the day, you’re just stuck in conflict and more miserable than you were before. So ask yourself, what are you doing wrong? How are you inhibiting yourself? Before you try to control other people and other things, control yourself first.
Gemini: You may be dealing with or overcoming a sickness that interferes with your daily routines. As you try to come back into your normal life, you feel intensely driven to restore order. You aren’t socializing as much as usual, inhibiting your nature. You think about people all the time, yet find yourself withdrawn. They miss you, too. They keep pestering you for a reason. Let them in.
Cancer: You’re focused on fostering your own happiness and enjoyment of life. This is a wonderful thing, of course, and you deserve it, but be aware that you do not live in your own bubble. You enjoy the attention and affection of others, but be wary of their intentions. Monitor your own intentions, as well. You owe yourself this pleasure and self-preservation, but not at the detriment of important people and responsibilities in your life. Find balance in all of your fun. Then, life will improve even more.
Leo: Tension is mounting in your professional life. It’s invading your sense of peace and comfort. It’s even beginning to impact your relationships and partnerships. Deals are falling through, contracts are being broken and relationships are leaving you without support. Unfortunately, you can’t control any of this, and trying will only make things worse. The problem is at the root. You’ve become disillusioned with your career — that is the issue. It’s time to make a fundamental change.
Virgo: You need to figure out what you want most and invest your energy into that. You want to work hard and pursue something higher, but you also want to intensify partnerships and explore creative endeavors, and all of it is leaving you deeply unfulfilled. You’re finding your mind go to darker places as you’re left utterly unfulfilled by it all. What about your current situation regarding your education and future is leaving you so hopeless? You aren’t doomed. There’s always time to change.
Libra: Your mind is being drawn towards strife. You’re fearing the worst in all things. Consumed by a spiritual and emotional death, you don’t know how to let go and maintain a sense of peace. The best thing to do for yourself is surround yourself with people. Your loved ones are the constants in your life that keep you at equilibrium. Let them soothe your fears and quench your irrationalities.
Scorpio: Why do you feel like you must bury yourself in your work? What do you get from distracting yourself from every emotion? It’s not working anymore. The intensity of your feelings are spilling over. You always want to hide, but now, it’s impossible. As foreign as it is to you, you need to embrace that. People love you. Don’t push them away because you’re scared of being vulnerable. Being vulnerable with the right people is what will heal you.
Sagittarius: You’re driven to find a sense of comfort and family, and yet you find yourself combative to it. It’s like you’re looking for something that doesn’t exist. You’re so emotional you can hardly understand it. When it all doesn’t make sense, you need to stop trying to figure it out. Instead of becoming consumed in your emotions, it would benefit you to maintain a sense of normalcy and routine. Don’t expect any single thing to heal you, but a routine can at least make all the horrible feelings manageable.
Capricorn: It’s getting harder and harder to enjoy the things you normally love. You feel like a child again, wanting the comfort of family and home and not the terror of reality. Your self-esteem and financial situation are too complicated and painful. You just want a friend. You need to reach out, genuinely. Express your feelings to friends with genuine, true meaning. They will let you in. You don’t always have to be professional and collected. It’s okay to be weak.
Aquarius: Your self-esteem, sense of communication and home life are all in disarray. You’re exhausted and trying frantically to control everything around you, only for things to become worse. What would happen if you let go of rumination? What would happen if you took a deep breath and let life happen? Of course, it’s easier said than done, but approaching your emotions so rigidly will not heal you. You do not need to compartmentalize life. You can be as fluid as all you feel.
Pisces: You’re fiercely motivated to face and work through your struggles. You’re so tired of living like this. You feel so blocked and restricted, hidden to the world but too exposed to yourself, and you’re finally ready to make a change. This requires a massive transformation. It won’t be an easy process by any means, but it is one necessary for your survival. You’ve gotten too used to being miserable, to being alone. Now is the time, finally, to change.