Aries: You’re bustling with vibrancy and everyone around you can see it. You feel alive, but that life can make you a bit reckless. A bit of recklessness every once in a while can be great, but you can’t let it rule your life. Try to think rationally but not too strictly. Let life flow as it happens and try not to retreat from it. Remember the consequences you will face for your actions. Do not retreat in self-hatred because of too many wild times.
Taurus: Take comfort and spend time with your friends. All of them have important lessons to teach you, and all of them have happiness to give to you. You’re emotional and introspective, trying to enjoy life while also trying to reckon with all its hurt. Make sure that you resist the urge to hide sometimes. Yes, the world is scary and unpredictable, but the world deserves the light of your presence. Think about your future. Will hiding get you any closer to your highest goals? You know the answer.
Gemini: You’re in tune with your social circle and spending little time alone. What people don’t see is the complicated web of conflict swirling in your brain in these moments. Your feelings and your future seem in opposition to each other. You’re pursuing opportunities you don’t feel confident in, embracing a version of yourself that isn’t true. Are you avoiding alone time to avoid the truth? You can make the truth a wonderful thing.
Cancer: You are drawn more to a reputation of strength and poise than a reputation of emotionality. You want to be taken seriously and are motivated to take the steps to get there. It’s out of your comfort zone, sure, but sometimes the world outside of it can be a wonderful place. Take advantage of your increased enthusiasm and restlessness. Make it your driving force. You can accomplish so much in your life if you just step into the unknown.
Leo: You’re craving change. You know you can do more. You know, most importantly, that you deserve more. Still, you’re insistent on keeping life stagnant. All you can think about is a better future, but you make excuse after excuse as to why you can’t reach it. If you wait now, you’ll end up waiting forever. You feel trapped, but the trap is of your own making. Be bold and make the first step forward. It’s okay if it’s small. As much as you like to show off, it’s okay to progress in silence.
Virgo: Who are you underneath the facade of your own making? Why do you insist on keeping yourself hidden? Even with those you trust most, you refuse to show them your inner psyche and ego. Are you afraid of rejection? Are you afraid you won’t be “in service” to them anymore? All you have to do is be a person, nothing more. Take care of your health, tend to your routines and force yourself to reveal what you’re hiding. Regardless of how it goes, you don’t have a choice.
Libra: You’re trying to make your daily life better and yes, it’s an uphill battle, but one you have the motivation to win. It is deeply admirable to try and try, even after failure. Know that despite your reluctance to your partnerships, close relationships are vital in your pursuit of something better. Do not be afraid to dream big and to embrace everything you love most. You are a wonderful person. You deserve to be surrounded by light. Take on every battle and every piece of work with determination and the knowledge that you will overcome it all.
Scorpio: So much in your life is changing, and for once it feels like it’s changing for the better. You want to take pride in your work and your self-care, but it feels wrong. You feel so much guilt for your confidence and self-prioritization., but the world is meant to be embraced. You gain nothing from forcing yourself to be small and to hide. Yes, it feels selfish to want more, but resist every urge to overcompensate with fear. Let yourself be proud.
Sagittarius: Let go of control. Your mind is rigid, but this rigidity is inhibiting all other areas of your life. You deserve to live based on your whims, to embrace life unapologetically and without fear. You cannot get that if you continue to hold so tight onto control. Once you let go of this, you can invest your energy in all of the goals that seem too difficult to accomplish. You’d be surprised how much effort it takes to force your life to be worse.
Capricorn: You’re struggling with both emotional and financial ups and downs and it’s beginning to weigh heavily on your enjoyment of life. Responsibilities to family and friends feel restrictive. Right now, focus on finding comfort amongst the tumult. Make the most of the mess in front of you. Try to be patient. Think clearly and find solutions instead of wallowing. Things will improve, if only you’ll let them.
Aquarius: You’re being drawn to creativity, and that can be a necessary and important way to cope with the reality in front of you. People see how much you’re feeling and hurting. They see that you are vulnerable, yet a distance remains. Unfortunately, the best thing for yourself may be time alone. Disconnected from others you won’t find much help in them, but you can always reconnect with yourself. Let creativity and writing be your outlet.
Pisces: After self-exploration, you feel ready to present what you’re discovered to the world now. A part of you is unconfident, but most of you is ready to live the way you were meant to live. This can be an emotional process, and the time for reflection is not over yet. But in your solitude and doubt, understand you are undoubtedly doing the best thing for yourself. Other people see this, too. People are in love with who you have finally let yourself become.