ARIES (3/21 – 4/19) – Stop worrying about “not going wild.” You’ve been aching to bust out of your shell for a long time, and suddenly it’s the obvious thing to do. You would not be acting out. Rather, in order to access the truth of the deeper discoveries that you’re making about yourself, you must actually experiment with some of what you’re thinking and feeling. As you stretch out to your true personality, you’ll find that growth and healing can only come through actual experiences. It’s time to change, to grow and to find out who you are without planning the outcome.
TAURUS (4/20 – 5/20) – It’s natural to want to take care of people; and if you choose to, do it with passion. Leave no doubt about the love and commitment that you feel. Yes, you would be making a statement by your gestures of kindness, of the most sincere kind. To share in this way is all about what you’re offering, with no trace of holding back. A good place to start is with food you make with your own hands. Create exactly what someone likes best. And as aspects develop this month, sex can take on mystical and healing dimensions.
GEMINI (5/21 – 6/21) – You have knowledge that someone close to you needs and will benefit from. However, be gentle about how you deliver this information, and find out everything you can, in the spirit of being helpful and doing no harm. Say what you know is the right thing to say, and let the person do what they will with the information. Be available for questions. You have amazing resources that you generally don’t clue other people into. The time has come to put your skills and wisdom to full use. This is a truly important purpose of your life.
CANCER (6/22 – 7/23) – If you’ve repeatedly tried the same approach to solving an emotional puzzle or problem, it’s time to try something new. This is not a question of personality or behavior. There’s something you’re reaching for that can only be accessed through a deeper approach, something that could genuinely be described as spiritual. Above all else, that means being loving and faithful, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. At minimum your kindness and encouragement will go a long way to provide reassurance. One of your great strengths is that you have faith in people; and when you express that, everyone benefits.
LEO (7/24 – 8/23) – You may not consider yourself an inventor by nature or profession; however, your mind is poised for a creative breakthrough. Remind yourself every day that no problem is too complicated for you to solve, and that you can plot the course to any goal that you have. Practice on small things as a way of building your confidence. Originality is like a muscle that develops the more you use it, so be bold. This skill could become genuinely valuable on the work front, where the most important leaders are those who can both innovate and solve problems as they go.
VIRGO (8/24 – 9/22) – When others offer the gift of themselves, it’s up to you to receive it consciously — or not. Either way, you would be wise to make a conscious choice. What’s becoming available is so beautiful that you’ll need to bring your full awareness. What you learn from something shared by one who cares deeply about you can change the course of your life. It can represent a discovery so deep that you never see yourself or the world the same way again. These moments actually happen, and contain the rare beauty that keeps you falling in love with life.
LIBRA (9/23 – 10/22) – No matter how crazy or unstable the world around you may seem, you have the ability to stay in balance. The key to remember is that you don’t owe anyone anything. Yes, you are loyal, you are committed — and you make your own choices. Claim the freedom to do the important self-healing work that’s available this month. Take extra care of yourself, and note the connection between your emotional state and your physical health and stamina. For you, everything develops and proceeds from your feelings forward. Start there and you cannot go wrong.
SCORPIO (10/23 – 11/22) – Love in any form is nourishment. Offer it as such, and consciously receive it as such. On the human level, we all have specific needs: water, food, shelter, sunlight and affection among them. Let your relationships be the place where all of these things are welcome and shared freely. You can trust the abundance of your life, and set a goal of making sure that as many people around you as possible get what they need. While you’re at it, know what you need and receive it sincerely when it’s offered to you. Be generous with yourself and with gratitude toward others.
SAGITTARIUS (11/23 – 12/21) – If you keep your focus, you will make major progress pulling together some long-range goals over the next few weeks. Remember that you cannot have absolute control over the process or the outcome. That’s good news because the real progress occurs through happy accidents. Therefore, keep an open mind and pay attention to the fine points. You can plan and structure things all you want, and then when you’re least expecting it, you make an error or notice something subtle, and that opens up some vast new possibilities. Keep your experiments going, and take careful notes. You will need them.
CAPRICORN (12/22 – 1/20) – Your feelings about relationships are starting to catch up with you. It would seem that you’ve experienced many moments of bold evolution. You’ve been growing at a pace that you can barely comprehend. Still, your ideas about relationships have yet to make the same progress. Be bold in asking yourself deep questions about what’s made you happy in the past. Do you really need so much structure? Do you really need to base your life on expectations, when you barely know what to expect of yourself? Relating to others is a dance. Feel for your natural rhythm, though you have little use for choreography.
AQUARIUS (1/21 – 2/19) – Kindness is the highest human virtue. You know this, whereas others are more likely to forget. Therefore, remind them with your actions — particularly what you do in the public realm. The world in its current state has guided you closer to your core humanitarian values. More than ever, it’s obvious that your purpose on Earth is to do what you can to make things better here. This, in turn, makes your own life better. You can afford to be bold and generous no matter what self-serving ideas others may think of as virtuous. Integrity is your birthright.
PISCES (2/20 – 3/20) – For many seasons, the theme of your life has been deep healing. Your journey has had its ups and downs, and times recently where you’ve wondered whether you’ve made any progress at all. Events of this month will reveal how much strength and power you have accumulated. Yet, this comes from your openness to your own feelings, and to living in a space of ongoing vulnerability. You are the safest when you are in full contact with the beauty, struggle and transient nature of life. Let yourself be as deep, as sensitive and as beautiful as you know you truly are.