What is the One Demand?

October 6, 2011 oracle 0

Much like there were signs, blog posts and Facebook event pages created for the protest held yesterday on our campus, those behind their self-proclaimed revolution on Wall Street also created poster-like imagery to promote their cause. The initial image, depicting a dancer perched on top of one of the most famous statues in the financial district, features text that begs the following question: “What is our one Demand?” The problem is, we don’t know. That is why we at The New Paltz Oracle feel the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors should borrow […]

The New Paltz Oracle: Volume 83, Issue 4

October 6, 2011 oracle 0

October 6, 2011 [issuu layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml showflipbtn=true documentid=111006195213-5d3e659e45704e009c09a7d5e8d42dcf docname=issue_4 username=TheNewPaltzOracle loadinginfotext=The%20New%20Paltz%20Oracle%2C%20Volume%2083%2C%20Issue%204 showhtmllink=false tag=jason%20west width=600 height=325 unit=px]