Cats of New Paltz features the friendliest, most adventurous cats located across the New Paltz area. This week’s featured cat resides with copy editor Nicole Zanchelli.
Name and Breed:
Do not be fooled by this kitten’s good looks and charm. She is out for blood. Comrade, or Commie, is a terrorizing, trash kitten. While it is unclear whether Commie was surviving out of dumpsters, her undying appetite for anything edible—and I do mean anything— is enough evidence for me to categorize her as a “trash kitten.” A nine-month-old tuxedo domestic short hair, Commie was adopted by my roommate Serena Hale back in July from the Compassionate Animal Rescue Efforts of Dutchess County.
About Commie:
Commie will break your heart and make you fall in love with her in one breath, guaranteed. Commie perfectly embodies the Sour Patch Kids’ energy—first they’re sour, then they’re sweet. While she loves breaking my knick knacks and peeing on my clothes, she loves plopping herself down on your chest and nuzzling her face onto yours just as much! Her family tree remains unknown as we await the DNA results from 23 & Me. However, there are speculations that she could be part snake due to her slender, long and flexible stature. Commie goes by both he and she pronouns, for the veterinarian initially could not identify her sex due to her abnormal genitalia.
Commie’s Pasttimes:
Commie’s favorite foods are everything. But for specifics sake, she particularly loves avocados, raw egg yolk, pasta and of course meow mix. Before falling off into a deep slumber, Commie loves being wrapped and tucked into a fleece blanket (think burrito). Clearly an athlete, Commie prides herself on her ability to hurl herself into cabinets, scale our shower door and climb into drawers. Even though she is currently in her angsty teenage phase, Commie is still a young whippersnapper who can be entertained by a single feather for hours.