For as long as she could remember, fourth-year, business analytics student Andrella Collins has been surrounded by art, coming from a family of many artists. This in turn, is what inspired her to start doing art at a young age herself.
“Some of my favorite memories are drawing with my mom and grandpa,” Collins explained. “Seeing how cool their illustrations were made me want to be like them.”
Collins is generally a sketch artist, usually creating her illustrations with just pencil and paper. But she often converts her work into digital drawings. She also paints occasionally and has recently begun to work with oil paints which she says is starting to become her favorite medium.
When it comes to the subject of her art, Collins often draws inspiration from the world around her. She often likes to draw things that are pretty, there is often a comforting and familiar touch to her work as she likes to focus on faces, landscapes and other everyday objects. But, she explained that she draws inspiration from things that are unnerving as well.
“I make art as a means to produce something to invoke an emotion or response, and the responses can range from deeming my work aesthetically pleasing or unnerving,” Collins said.
To find more of Collins’ work, check out her art Instagram @stickychloroform — she is also currently accepting commissions!