I refuse to believe that this is the last article I’ll ever write for The Oracle. There’s no way I’m saying goodbye to the place I called home for three years. And it’s absolutely absurd I’ll have a bachelor’s degree before I can legally drink a beer.
I joined The Oracle in the spring of 2021, spring of my freshman year. There were three copy editors who joined: me, Zoe and Alli. I remember walking into the first meeting worried about making friends. I sat down with them both in the back of the room and tried to calm my nerves. Slowly but surely, we started talking and Thursday Girls was born.
After spending the semester only talking to each other, we moved up to our fourth floor home where the real fun began. That’s been our lives for the past two years. I’ve learned more about what it means to be a journalist at The Oracle than anywhere else.
I want you all to know I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you all. Whether I’ve known you for one semester or five, it’s been my honor and privilege to have worked with you.
To copy-editors and contributors, thank you for all your hardwork and dedication — even though there are simply too many of you now to name. You all should be so proud of everything you have accomplished. Without you, The Oracle wouldn’t work. Nothing makes me happier than having to steal tables from other rooms just so everyone has a place to work. Thank you for making production nights end at 10 p.m. rather than 4 a.m. You’re all the best!
To Remy, Sam, Gabby, Lily, Kenny and Morgan, what a strange and stressful time we had together. You all are some of the most amazing people I have ever had the privilege of working with. Although times were tough and there were moments it felt like rock bottom, you stepped up to the plate. Each and every one of you has a special spot in my heart and I simply cannot wait to see all you do.
Greta, from your drawing of our iPad selfie to the locks of hair you cut from everyone’s head, your work is impressive, inspiring and you never cease to amaze me. Your enthusiasm is contagious and it has been an absolute pleasure to work alongside you this past year. Stay creative and I hope you get the biggest studio with a window all to yourself next year.
Fynn, there are very few people I am more comfortable talking about my favorite books with than you. You are an incredibly kind and patient person who takes everything in stride. Your drive and dedication to this paper brought an energy that will be missed — but I know whatever you end up doing, you will succeed. I can’t wait to read more of your writing as you continue to grow; and book recs are always welcome.
Jeremy, your passion is infectious and there’s no one better suited to take my place as Managing Editor next year. You’re filled with fantastic ideas and it has been incredible watching you grow as a writer and editor. I have thoroughly enjoyed discoursing with you over the past two years and once again, I cannot wait to see what the paper looks like with you as its leader.
Lilly, there’s no one I trust more to write a news article than you. You’re an amazing person who never fails to make me laugh — especially when we have to throw pens at you when you’re blasting music through your headphones. While it’s sad to see you leave your spot as news editor, I’m so happy you’re getting to travel. No matter where you are on the globe, I have zero doubts of everything you’ll accomplish; you’re more than capable of achieving whatever it is you set your mind to.
Emily, this year wasn’t the same without you on staff. I missed curling up on the floor with a blanket to watch the Yankees play or taking a lap around the fourth floor so our heads didn’t explode. You are one of the best people I’ve ever met and I cannot thank you enough for being such a positive, supportive and amazing person. Your work ethic and passion is infectious and you make me want to be better every day. Even though we live 20 minutes apart, it took us picking the same college and deciding to join the school paper for us to meet — if that doesn’t mean we’ll be friends forever, I don’t know what does. I can’t wait to travel the world with you. Love you so much and thank you for being you.
Alli (Thursday Girl and fellow Wheat Eater), I forgive you for almost killing me when you were driving us back to campus after getting our booster shots in the old Best Buy in Kingston. And no, I’m not being dramatic — we almost got hit by a truck in a roundabout because someone didn’t know they had to yield before entering. All jokes aside, I don’t think I’ve met anyone as passionate about what they do as you. You are an insanely talented writer, editor and an overall amazing person. There are a million different things I could say, but thank you for everything. We started this crazy journey together, I can’t believe we’re saying goodbye. I have no doubt you’re going to kill it at NYU and come visit me anytime. I’m looking forward to seeing all the amazing things you accomplish — get your Snapchat unbanned so you can send me vlogs. Love you so much.
Zoe Lowee (Thursday Girl and NON Wheat Eater), I’ve managed to hold my tears in until now but you got me. There are very few people I feel comfortable being completely myself around and you’re one of the top on the list. It hasn’t always been pretty — we fight like sisters — but you’re without a doubt one of the best people I know. You kept this paper going through a really hard time. I’m in awe of everything you’ve accomplished so far and I cannot wait to see what you do. Thank you for going to every early morning gym session despite being dragged there. Thank you for every production night and venting session in the bathroom. Thank you for making fun of me so I feel less guilty about doing it to you. Thank you for making this such a fun and rewarding experience. You’re going to do amazing things; stay in touch and visit me ASAP.
Val, thanks for being the best advisor ever. We came to you with an absurd amount of problems and you helped us every step of the way. You’re simply the best; there are no other words to describe you. We’ll have to go to Vegas again with everyone soon!
Thank you all for everything, this has been an incredible experience. The Oracle means so much to me as does each and every one of you. You’re all going to do great things — and of course, if anyone needs anything, I’m always here.
As for me, I’m off to the U.K. to get my masters degree in management and playing soccer/football at the University of Essex. Stay tuned!
Goodbye Oracle, and thank you for everything.