Horoscopes: Week of February 16

What do the last few days of Aquarius season have to teach you? Photo courtesy of Star Name Registry.

Aries: Let your friends heal you. Your enemies are meaningless. Spending time with those you trust can yield important discoveries and clear the muddy waters of your subconscious. Invest your love into yourself, too. You are afraid and you crave a sense of stability. Build a sense of stability brick by brick until you have a home, surrounded by those you cherish.

Taurus: You feel as though you have no foundation to stand on. When life feels like a cruel joke, where do you go? There’s no use trying to find footing on demolished ground. Find the determination to create your own world. Pursue the impossible. Take steps forward even if you feel like you’re not going forward at all. Eventually, you’ll realize you’ve walked into a new world.

Gemini: Burn your comfort zone to the ground. Take advantage of the expansiveness of your mind. Learn to be disciplined and watch how you fly. You have so many incredible ideas swirling in your head and all of them are ready to be acted upon. Of course it’s intimidating, but your future has never seemed so bright. Find passion in everything.

Cancer: You find yourself empowered to confront the hardships in your life. You’re seeing yourself clearly and you’re determining the ways in which your life needs to change. It feels almost like an oppressive force. Others don’t know how to approach you. But know that this is necessary. In this turmoil, find revolution.

Leo: You deserve more; demand it. You’re too used to demeaning yourself and accepting the worst. Don’t you want to live a life of beauty and abundance? Chase it. Maybe that means your stability and routine will be upended, but so be it. In hurt, there can be transformation. Be imaginative and inventive and never let yourself settle again. Those that love you will be there for you throughout every moment.

Virgo: You are realizing that the things you’ve grown accustomed to are no longer livable. It feels like growing pains. In this maturation, you are finding a new world. Unexpected truths may be coming to light and you may be motivated to enter new territories in your life. Embrace it all. The added responsibilities on your back may be heavy, but do not break down. Find solutions and blossom.

Libra: Take advantage of your words to get where you want to be. Full enjoyment and enrichment of life is possible, but only if you’re relentless in your pursuit. Take note of who and what ties you down. Even if those factors cannot be eliminated, how can you adapt to them and make them tolerable? Yes, your work feels futile and at times you may feel lost. That does not mean that you are hopeless.

Scorpio: Reconnect with yourself. Root yourself within a sense of home and explore what home means to you. Your life has been marked by intensity, and oftentimes that intensity lacks safety. The truth is, there is more safety around you than you realize. Look at the things you love to do and the people you love to be around. Look to yourself, and everything valuable within you. Look toward your inner child and parent them the gentle way they always deserved.

Sagittarius: Be a diplomat. Speak to people with authority and pride. Your opinions and insights are valuable and others want to hear it. Don’t be afraid to use a voice so wonderful. You’re also able to express a lot of passion and intelligence in writing right now. Use the written word to chase your goals and connect with others. Be dreamy, articulate and unafraid.

Capricorn: You have the potential for great strides in career and finances, but don’t sabotage yourself by overworking or fumbling your words. Be strategic in all things and don’t let setbacks make you surrender. You are so capable of handling every responsibility and bearing the weight of any task. Go after your goals. You are much stronger than you fear.

Aquarius: You are craving achievement. You’re doubling down on your work ethic and devoting your life to your work and studies in pursuit of this. You need to learn to give yourself credit, even when others don’t. Even though you grow more and more unsure of yourself, understand that your insecurities don’t reflect your capabilities. You have inherent worth.

Pisces: You’re left to sit with your own thoughts, but you’re also making vital discoveries about yourself that will propel your life forward. Others seem fixated on you, wanting to get you out of your shell, but it’s important to retreat sometimes. Recharge as you reflect. What are you realizing about yourself and your desires from life? How can you take those realizations and redirect your life in accordance with them? Be thoughtful and careful and flourish.

About Katie Ondris 57 Articles
Katie Ondris is a second-year journalism major from New Jersey. They have previous experience with fiction writing, but The Oracle is their first position as a journalist. Outside of New Paltz, they work as a barista and spend their free time indulged in films and books.