You’re trying to celebrate life and open every exciting door, but something is holding you back. Jealous influences don’t want you to be as happy as you want to be. Although, that jealousy may not be as malicious as it feels. A part of it could be jealousy out of concern. Are you opening more doors than you can handle? Are you celebrating something you shouldn’t be to distract yourself from something you should be handling? Be happy, be alive, but be realistic.
Where is your sense of home? Is it in your feelings? Your future? Your loved ones? Identify it and run to it. That is what you need right now, more than anything else. Your anxieties and inner emotions are bogging you down, and you need calm and comfort to get through them. You need to go home, wherever that may be. You need to curl up in bed with your favorite teddy bear and rest.
You’re more communicative and talkative than ever, which means you’re needing people more than ever. That’s okay. Don’t be afraid of that. Connect with one of the many people that adore you. Don’t be ashamed of your lovely soul. Every word that comes out of your mouth is a blessing. Love yourself as others love you. Your voice is beautiful. Your words and intelligence are necessary.
Your self-esteem is wavering. You feel anxious about your finances, your resources and your time. You feel like you can’t keep your head on straight. It’s breaking down your self-worth. But why? Why must all of that reflect who you are as a person? It’s stressful, definitely, but it’s not the end of the world. Refocus. Confront your challenges. Make up for what you’ve lost. Just because it’s scary doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
You’re on fire. Just watch your step. You aren’t thinking before you act, and that can be fun sometimes. You can get so lucky, and it can lead to wonderful things in your life. Ride on that luck, but jump off before you run out. Make sure you’re careful in your relationships and that you remember to be selfless. You can have a little hedonism, but don’t let it consume you. Let this bountiful moment give you goodness, not regret.
You feel like a piece of your central identity is breaking down. What’s left behind feels like a failed version of who you’re supposed to be. But who is that? Who are you “supposed” to be? Where did that idea come from? You impose such strict standards upon yourself that any moment where you rest and take a break, it feels like you’re letting everyone down. Rest is the best thing you can do for yourself. Once you rest, you can fulfill every role you are meant to fulfill better. Take this time for yourself, and use it to the best of your ability.
A conflict between duty and happiness is blocking you. You want things to be easy so badly, yet you won’t let them. You feel such a responsibility to give every part of yourself to everyone else. Your obligation to others is intrinsic to your identity, but why must it consume you? Take care of yourself. Put yourself first. Give some of the understanding that you so generously give to others to yourself for once.
The future you have ahead of you is so bountiful. Everything is falling into place. You seem to be more career-driven than ever, and the paths that you are pursuing are exactly the paths you need to follow. You are motivated and determined. Nothing can stop you. Your wishes may not be the wishes of those around you, though. Think carefully: does that matter to you? What do you value: family, friends or self? There is no right or wrong answer. Only the answer that brings you towards destiny.
You’ve lost yourself. It might not seem so obvious to others, with the act you’re putting on, but a piece of your identity has gone away into the depths. Be certain that it’s not gone forever. It’s still inside of you, but it’s buried. You’re angry, and you’re heartbroken and you feel empty, but you are not gone from yourself. Pick up that shovel. Dig deep. Find that part of you that you need so badly again. Find it and never let go.
Although the outside of you seems happy and loving, you are hiding the part of you that is struggling. You have many good things and good people in your life that you are happy to embrace, but that doesn’t negate all of your doubts and anxieties that haunt you at night. As reluctant as you are to share them, you won’t get through life keeping them inside of you. What makes you want to bottle them all up? Even if it’s too hard to say it out loud, write it down. Process it. Do something to get it out of your head. It will only fester in your mind.
Your future is at the forefront of your mind. You have many doubts, but you aren’t letting that stop you. Truly, deep down, you want better for yourself. You want a life you can be proud of. Advancing your future is in your best interest right now. You are in a powerful state right now. Nothing can stop you unless you let it. So, what will you choose? The comfort of bad habits, or the wonder of new opportunities?
Why do you hold so much anger in your heart? Perhaps there’s pent-up grief that you’ve yet to confront. It’s hard to deal with emotions when they’re as big as yours. Sadness becomes so overwhelming. Maybe anger is easier to cope with. That doesn’t make it healthier. Your capacity for tenderness is great, too. Lean into that. How can you serve others right now? Through that service, you can cope with what has hurt you.