Aries: Is your isolation helpful or destructive? As you retreat into yourself, are you tending to your needs, or are you making everything worse? Taking time for yourself can be healing, but you have to put in the effort to make it so. Beware of getting caught up in your delusions and fantasies about life. You need to be grounded in reality in order to make reality something livable. This shouldn’t be an easy period in life, but it should be one that you come out of happier.
Taurus: You’re looking to make strides in your life in what you consider to be your career or the precursor to your career. Your ambition is admirable and bound to pay off. Do not be deterred by any difficulties in your pursuit of success and know that you have people in your corner. You might feel a lot of conflicting emotions as well, struggling between balancing your self-image with your public image and your friendships. Instability is normal when caught in newness. Just don’t bite off more than you can chew.
Gemini: You’re vulnerable and you have to make sure you’re keeping an eye on yourself. As tempting as it is to think about the future and to deal with tangible matters, right now, your emotions matter most. This is a temporary retreat. If you make the sacrifice to truly work on yourself now, then you can return to the other matters you need to deal with, like your future and your responsibilities. Everything is intertwined in far many more ways than you realize. You’re at the center of it.
Cancer: Head in the clouds, you’re looking towards the future and dreaming of bigger things. Some of these dreams may be fraught or unrealistic, but some of them may be exactly what you need. Be open to sharing these visions. It’ll bring them closer to fruition. The future you dream of has every possibility to become real. At the same time, beware of issues of control and jealousy. Not everyone has your best interest in mind, and you might not have others’ best interests in your own. Tread carefully, but do not let go of your hopes.
Leo: You have to examine the deep-rooted psychological issues that you’ve been ignoring. Functioning in your day-to-day life doesn’t mean you don’t also have blockages and hurts to tend to. You need privacy and to create a retreat for yourself. If that interferes with other areas of life, let it. This is a temporary exploration of your psyche that must be undergone in order to avoid conflicts, outbursts and overexertions of control. You have to let go of power now, but rest assured that it will return.
Virgo: Understand that as your life becomes more and more unstable and unpredictable, that you’re being tested. Yes, you’re beaten down and exhausted, but this is the time where you must look at what patterns aren’t working in your life. What might you be doing that is encouraging your own dissatisfaction? Are you relying too much on others or too little? Are you too caught up in the future, are you lost in the moment or in the past? Examine how your relationships and your life are interfering with your stability. Bit by bit, rebuild what has been shattered.
Libra: Where are you depriving yourself in your life? Caught up in the responsibilities you owe to other people, you forget that you owe yourself your own life, too. You are carrying everyone’s burden and neglecting to heal your own. You aren’t letting yourself enjoy your life because you’re too concerned with making sure others enjoy theirs. Release this blockage and feel how much easier it is to breathe. You are the director of your own life, not the director of others.
Scorpio: Let yourself indulge. There’s a conflict between your personal desires and your family’s expectations, but no one can exist for the sake of someone else. You need to connect to what you enjoy and what makes you happy. You need to spend time with your personal partnerships and do things for yourself. This will bring you a greater sense of peace. Conforming to impossible demands will only dig your hole deeper.
Sagittarius: Your home life and personal life are in better alignment lately, and you find yourself more able to rely on your family’s support. Unexpected events are disturbing your days and making you have to scramble to make up for them. You want the stress to end, but it’s stubborn. Although it won’t be perfect, bring yourself back to the things and people that give you comfort. It’s the only way you’ll survive this period. Make sure you are communicating your emotions well, as that is the only way your family can give you the support you need.
Capricorn: Your mind is racing beyond belief and all you want to do is speak out, but there’s some blockage preventing you from overflowing. This overflow is necessary right now. You need to channel the whirlwind in your head into something real, whether that be speech, writing or any form of creative outlet. You’re so frustrated with so many people and so many things. Write letters to burn if you need to. Let yourself run wild with your words.
Aquarius: Your self-esteem is wildly destabilized as you are consumed by financial, academic and social stress. You feel determined to do something about it, but none of it feels like enough. There’s always the nagging uncertainty that you could be doing more, that pushing yourself just a little harder will yield the right results. Sometimes, things aren’t that simple. That doesn’t mean that you can’t survive. In every hardship, there is potential for transformation. Embrace that. Expand your limits, even when it’s most uncomfortable.
Pisces: You have a knack for speaking up right now, and you can accomplish more than you realize with your words. People are drawn to you and you feel more confident than you have. These are the results of your own reflections. Your confidence is growing and you’re proud. Embrace this. Continue your personal reflection, as the journey is endless, but revel in the self-esteem you’re growing.