Aries: You know you have been waiting, and time has rewarded you. It’s finally the right time to put those big plans of yours in motion. You have the support you need. You know yourself better than you once did and things are finally looking up for you. All that’s left now is to make the first move.
Taurus: A significant change is coming but have no fear, because you are prepared. Find peace in starting fresh and treat yourself gently. So long as you stick to your self-care and routine, the road ahead, though an uncertain one, will be smooth.
Gemini: You have learned a lot about yourself these last few weeks. Take this newfound knowledge and implement it in your life. Everything from the mundane chores of life to the tumultuous battlefield of the social world will come easier if you commit to accepting yourself.
Cancer: Your pride has been holding you back. Your fear of failure is manifesting itself into an avoidance of success. If you want to step forward with your goals in life, you have to open yourself up to the possibility of stumbling a bit. All will be well, if you remember that you can always get back up on your feet.
Leo: Life’s been moving fast lately so who can blame you for trying to keep up? But now that everything is slowing down, so should you. Take your time in decision-making and communicating with others. Remember that it’s okay to take a breather and enjoy life.
Virgo: It’s finally time to let go of those destructive habits. It sounds daunting, but now is the time to break the cycle. If you do, life will be all the better for it. You will finally have the time to improve your life and approach obstacles with a new mindset.
Libra: Life has felt bent all out of shape these past few weeks, but now it’s finally coming together. Take this time to restore the balance in your life. Weigh the options of the challenging decisions that come before you wisely, and make thoughtful choices as you begin to feel like yourself again.
Scorpio: Your desires for more are keeping you from appreciating what you have. It is normal to yearn and healthy to strive for more, but if you lose yourself in it, life will pass you by. Slow down, reorganize and remind yourself that good things take time.
Sagittarius: Let go of all those feelings you’ve been keeping inside. Tell the people you love how you have been feeling and open yourself up to the support of others. Take comfort in the hobbies that bring you joy and don’t forget to stay positive.
Capricorn: Changes are coming, and it’s important now more than ever to take a step back and look at the full picture. Ask yourself: what do I want from my life, and what will I do to achieve it? Having your answers now will prepare you for a future that may not give you the time to develop them.
Aquarius: It’s time to step out of your shell. For too long, you’ve kept yourself hidden away. You must now step out into the light, and begin to explore those new experiences you have been wanting to try. Get out of your routine and comfort zoneand enjoy exploring the world around you.
Pisces: You need to begin inner-reflection now more than ever. You will want to turn your focus to a fresh start and new experiences, but you must first be secure in your sense of self before you make such big steps. Once you are, it will make chasing your desires all the easier.