A cliché phrase commonly used for more than five decades is being challenged by a new student organization on campus: Realistically Embracing All Ladies (R.E.A.L.).
“One size does not fit all,” Lori Moran, third-year sociology major said. “Women come in all different shapes and sizes.”
Moran, the founding member of the organization, created R.E.A.L. because she wanted there to be an organization on campus that promoted beauty in all shapes and sizes.
Although there are other organizations on campus that occasionally put on programs to promote and embrace all women, Moran said she wants an organization whose sole purpose is to empower women, especially those “who are shunned by society for being overweight.”
Women should be comfortable with their appearance and know that they are beautiful, Moran said.
Amy Kesselman, a professor in the Women Studies Department, said this organization will challenge the concept of thinness that’s prevailing in society.
Moran has been a model for nearly three years for companies like Just Be You Model and Artist Management. She also participated in Dove campaigns. She said she noticed the media promotes a certain type of beauty.
“Society is always telling women that they should look a certain way and act a certain way, but in reality women come in all different shapes and sizes and have different personalities,” Moran said. “Every five minutes there’s a diet commercial…saying that women should lose weight.”
She said public figures — beautiful women like Jennifer Hudson — think that they have to lose weight to fit in.
Kesselman said women’s representation in the media is getting worse. They are thinner now than they were in the past.
In the future, R.E.A.L will hold campaigns similar to the Dove campaign, shoot commercials and put on fashion shows. Moran also plans on having R.E.A.L. collaborate with other clubs and organizations to host a prom. She has written letters to Josefina Lopez, the author of “Real Women Have Curves,” and Tyra Banks, informing them about her new club at SUNY New Paltz.
“There’s no limit for me,” Moran said. “This is going to be higher than this campus.”
R.E.A.L.’s first general interest meeting will be held on Feb. 15 in Student Union 401 at 9 p.m.