This past week on Oct. 16, the dorm halls Ridgeview, Esopus and Lenape hosted an event called “Second Chance Prom.”
This event was targeted towards students who missed out on having a prom in high school due to COVID-19.
The event was held in the Student Union Building and a large number of students attended.
In a high school setting, methods of getting a date for the dance have changed immensely.
A new form of asking people to a dance has emerged, called a “promposal.”
Urban Dictionary explains, “Promposals can be as simplistic as passing a note or as elaborate as proposing with a flash mob with 10 friends in nothing but their underwear in front of the whole school.”
This was no different when it came to “Second Chance Prom.” Promposals were encouraged on the poster for the event.
Many students posted content to their social media accounts of them enjoying mocktails, hanging with their friends and tearing it up on the dance floor.
“I really enjoyed Second Chance Prom,” second-year political science major Quincy Jackson said. “It was warming to see everyone dressed up and dancing together after having to social distance for so long… it felt somewhat normal.”
This event was one for the books, complete with a variety of apparel to see.
“Most people dressed in formal attire like you would see at prom, while others were wearing Halloween costumes,” Jackson stated.
Second-year business major Michael Basile also attended the Second Chance Prom.
He reported people to be wearing “dress clothes, business attire or their own fashion sense that allowed them to be comfortable.”
Basile reflected on the Second Chance Prom as a good experience.
“Second Chance Prom was cool. It was nice to see everyone get up and dress up to have fun,” he said.
As this event was such a success, it’s likely to see another organized dance in New Paltz’s future.
This event should be even more of a success due to the voices of the students displaying what they enjoyed about this one and what they would like to see at a similar event in the future.
“I think it would be a great idea for the school to run more similar events!” Jackson stated. “I remember as a freshman social distancing rules were extremely strict on campus, so it felt isolating sometimes. I think implementing more on-campus events like a spring dance would be really beneficial to those struggling to meet new people or even those who just want to feel ‘normal’ once again.”
Basile was in agreement, and said “[he] totally thinks the spring should have some sort of event like this, another dance would be awesome!”
A spring dance may even receive a bigger turnout as students would have more time to prepare for the event.
Events such as this one are very beneficial for students who may feel out of place being away from home.
“If you are feeling isolated or lonely, I encourage you to put yourself out there,” Jackson stated. “There are so many clubs and activities New Paltz has to offer, and I promise you that the people you meet will be some of the most amazing friends you will ever find. You have to push yourself out of your comfort zone #yolo.”