The 52nd student senate filled the University Police Committee and several academic committees at their third meeting of the fall on Tuesday, Sept. 20.
The three remaining positions on the University Police Committee were filled by Victoria Samakai, Henry Lino and Kasper Garlicki. Three positions on the Academic Senate Committee were also filled.
The liberal arts seat for the Academic Affairs Committee was filled by Christlie Julien. DawnMarie Allan was also approved for the School of Education seat on the committee, however this conflicts with faculty bylaws because the education seat was already filled.
Two out of the four positions on the Curriculum Committee were filled. The School of Business seat and school of Science and Engineering are still open.
Three liberal arts seats on the Budget, Goals and Plans Committee were filled. Sen. Jonathan Espinosa, one of the senators approved to this group, said that this committee in particular is important because “we can see where the money’s not going…and allocate it correctly.”
One position on the Environmental Task Committee was filled by newcomer Anthony Adegunle. One position on the Transportation Committee was also filled.
Three spots on the Liberal Ad Hoc Committee and six seats on the Educational Technology Committee still need to be filled.
In an individual senate report, Samakai announced that the students from the biology program are starting a petition against the low number of biology professors in
the department.
Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs and Governance Ayanna Thomas proposed conducting a general advising pre-survey to see students reaction on advising. By implementing a final draft, the system of surveying will work similar to the Student Evaluation of Instruction forms which were recently moved to an online format. The academic advising survey will gauge student criticism of advisors.
Executive Vice President Eve Stern discussed issues with meal exchange and increases the number of the Loop bus picks up students. She also mentioned that the Student Association approved several new school clubs such as the New Paltz Circus Team among others.
The next Senate meeting will be held on Tuesday Sept. 28 in Student Union 418.