The 54th student senate held their ninth meeting of the semester on Tuesday, Nov. 6 in Student Union (SU) 418.
In the interest of time, the meeting did not include E-board reports because a Student Association (SA) run election event was taking place in the Multipurpose Room (MPR).
A senator said Pandini’s in the SU will be bringing back its Caribbean night entrees and a panini station has been added in The Grille.
Sen. Roberto LoBianco said due to the long voting line outside the SU MPR on election night, voters left the line. He said the Ulster County Board of Elections decided to send two poll workers and books but only one machine. In response to this, LoBianco said that he would like to write a letter of complaint to the board or even form a rally in front of their headquarters in Kingston, N.Y. to let officials know that students felt disheartened and would like to prevent this from happening again four years from now.
“We don’t want to be disenfranchised,” LoBianco said.
NYPIRG Coordinator Eric Wood reported that the Halloween Trick or Eat drive was successful. He said 25 students volunteered and almost 500 non-perishable food items and toiletries were collected for Family of New Paltz located on Chestnut Street. Their fracking event last week was also a success with almost 60 people in attendance, he said. Next week, NYPIRG will organize a press conference about the dangers of the Indian Point nuclear power plant.
A member of the Environmental Task Force Committee (ETF) said they are preparing for a screening event next week of the film titled “Dear Gov. Cuomo,” directed by Jon Bowermaster. Dr. Lipson of the political science department is in contact with the filmmaker to get him to attend the screening, she said. She also said she wants to feature some local bands such as Upstate Rubdown during the event. The screening is free with a $5 suggested donation to local fracking activism.
The ETF member also said the committee talked about the hydration station plan and some other ways to reduce plastic use on campus. One member of the ETF had joined the Pepsi Marketing Committee, she said. She also discussed Park Point and their concerns about its environmental impact.
Director of Student Activities & Union Services Mike Patterson said the E-Board and Senate Chair Yaritza Diaz agreed to have college President Donald Christian give his Park Point presentation at next Tuesday’s meeting when more members will attend. Patterson said the president will speak promptly at 9 p.m. He also encouraged senators to discuss Park Point with their peers and get some feedback.
Vice President of Academic Affairs and Governance Jonathan Espinosa reminded senators that senate elections are in the beginning of December and encouraged members to advertise to friends and peers, spread the word and print out flyers. Anyone interested in running for senate can contact Espinosa at Vpacademicaffairs@newpaltzsa.com.
Sean Mulloy, the new campus bookstore manager, introduced himself at the meeting and discussed new promotions in the store. He said that they will implement a buy-back program for all books and that the store guarantees a “best price” promise where they will match the lowest price of new and used books. He also assured that for the spring semester, the store will be fully staffed and supplied to reduce lines and accommodate all students.
“No student will not have a textbook,” Mulloy said.
Mulloy said he will train his staff to understand what the better deals are in order to help students out. He said if anyone ever wants an item, they should visit the bookstore and request it and he will contact the buyer to supply it.
The Academic Affairs committee still has two seats available and senators are encouraged to reach out to students to fill those seats.
The goals list was discussed and the meeting was adjourned.
The next senate meeting will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 13 in SU 418 at 9 p.m.