The 54th student senate held their third meeting of the semester on Tuesday, Sept. 25. Senators compiled a goals list for themselves, discussed campus concerns and held elections.
Student Association (SA) President Josh Simpson spoke first, informing the senate about meetings he recently attended and updating senators about campus news.
Simpson announced that the College Council will be adding the Good Samaritan policy to the Student Handbook, increasing the likelihood that medical attention is provided to students who need it because of alcohol or drug use.
SA Vice President Manuel Tejada updated the senate on university police concerns. First, Tejada assured the senate that, Chief of Police David Dugatkin said there are no facial recognition cameras on campus at this time.
Tejada then discussed the idea of university police using bicycles to patrol campus. He said if this were to happen, there would be a more direct relationship between police and students.
Next, Vice President of Academic Affairs Jonathan Espinosa spoke to senators regarding information from academic senate.
Although Espinosa had previously amended the student representation from two to five seats on the Liberal Ad Hoc Committee, the faculty thought that five was too many and the committee overruled, bringing student representation back down to two students.
Vice President of Finance Youssouf Kouyo updated senate on his progress of obtaining high definition television on campus. Kouyo said he would be having a meeting with CAS in the future to talk about the cost.
Vice President of Programming Esthephanie Peralta said that at the next council meeting, scheduled for Monday, Oct. 1, nominations for Student Association Productions (SAP) would be held. Peralta said she met with a concert organizer and hopes to start planning early.
Sen. Yaritza Diaz addressed the senate’s reputation among campus and asked senators to think before they speak and to make sure to always be respectful.
“I don’t want us to have people coming in here, trying to help us out, and we are being disrespectful or rude,” Diaz said.
Senate reports included updates on committee meetings and campus news. Senators who attended the Transportation Implementation Committee meeting addressed the concern of pedestrians walking near campus, reminding senators to be careful and aware.
In addition, senators discussed extending the health center hours, the improvement of the escort system and the topic of misgendering.
New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) chair Eric Wood said that in honor of National Voter Registration Day, they successfully registered more than 150 students to vote in one day. They plan to continue their registration efforts through Oct. 12, and are working on organizing a Rock the Vote concert.
Council of Organizations Chair Rose Faber spoke for the Resident Hall Student Association, announcing Gage Hall as the winner of Spirit Weekend.
Senators then joined together in making a senate goals list, which they plan to refer to each week in hopes of completing them by the end of the term, semester or year. Goals on the list included: reforming the school’s drug policy, creating more of an art presence on campus, improving food services, creating a more trans-inclusive campus and extending Loop hours to weekends. Academic Committee elections were held toward the end of the meeting. Three students were elected to the Educational Technology Committee, one senator was elected to the Landlord Tenant committee, three students were elected to Academic Affairs and four students were elected to the Curriculum Committee. Two students were elected to the Budget Goals and Plans Committee; one student was elected to the Environmental Task Force Committee and two students to the Constitution and Rules Committee.
Two seats are still available to students on the Educational Technology Committee, three seats on Academic Affairs, two seats on the Curriculum Committee, four seats on the Budget Goals and Plans committee and two seats on the Liberal Ad Hoc Committee. Elections will be held at the next meeting on Oct. 2 in SU 418.