In his presidential report, Student Association (SA) President Terrell Coakley talked about Rainbow Month and how the clubs participating should collaborate so it could be cohesive and integrated.
Coakley also talked about his expectations for senate elections, saying that he expects to see more than 1,000 students vote this semester.
In her report, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Governance Ayanna Thomas said she wants to create a Student Affairs Committee. Members of the Student Affairs Committee would meet and talk to students about issues on campus. She said she will flesh out the idea over winter break.
Executive Vice President Eve Stern said she is in the process of figuring out how to distribute the gender-neutral survery.
During the final fall meeting, the student senate voted to endorse a petition to expand library hours, confirm nominations for a committee and reinstate a committee.
After the reports, the legislative body heard a proposal from fourth-year international relations and Women’s Studies major Ashley Drzymala and third-year political science major Roberto LoBianco about their plans to use direct action in trying to expand library hours and their petition.
“It’s not going to be a huge demonstration… [it will be a] time for students to discuss their grievances [about library hours],” said Dryzmala.
LoBianco said that the protest could also turn into a teach-in. They said they might take the time to teach the participants about budget cuts.
They plan on having a peaceful sit-in (or a study-in) at the lobby of the Sojourner Truth Library (STL) Friday Dec. 9 and they asked the Student Associaton (SA) to endorse both the petition and the sit-in.
Sen. Matt Clarkson said he wasn’t sure SA should support the sit-in because it violates the student handbook.
“[The sit-in] could hurt the efforts that the senate has been making all semester,” said Clarkson.
This sparked a discussion about whether sponsoring the sit-in will hurt SA, because they also have been working to modify library hours.
Sen. Mark Malizia motioned for a vote to approve the SA sponsoring of the sit-in in the lobby of the STL.
With a 9-9 vote and three senators abstaining, Senate Chair Alberto Aquino broke the tie by voting to oppose the SA sponsorship of the library sit-in.
A member of the legislative body motioned to vote on whether the SA should endorse the petition. With a unanimous vote the SA endorsed the petition.
Next, the senate confirmed the nominations of SA secretary and second-year student Safiya Black and third-year student Petra Vega to be interviewed for a seat on the Liberal Education Ad Hoc Committee.
Shortly after the nominations, Sen. Richard Jean-Louis proposed to resurrect the Senior Week Committee. Members of the Senior Week Committee would be responsible for organizing events geared for graduating students. In the past, the Senior Week Committee have planned career resource programs and a ball for the graduating class.
The legislative body voted to reinstate the Senior Week Committee and make Sen. Jean-Louis the chair.