One of New Paltz’s main selling points is its proximity to the Shawangunk Ridge. Along with the stunning views, it is one of the top climbing destinations in New York. What’s funny about many outdoor sports is the price to pay in order to enjoy them. The equipment, the travel and the memberships can really rack up.
If only there was a way to enjoy climbing that doesn’t break the bank. Oh, but there is, and you might even be able to find them somewhere on campus. Bunk beds. These double-decker dream machines are your one-way ticket to enjoy the great outdoors from the comfort of your own home.
Climbing up and down a bunk bed holds the same skill and bravery one needs to scale 2,000 feet of rock and dirt. Growing up, the top bunk was always so exciting. Finally you could see above your parents’ heads. But when you get stuck with it in your early twenties, it becomes a daily test of endurance.
Imagine: it’s Friday night and you’re coming home from a night out. It’s time to go to bed and you’re standing face to face with a mountain. You have to ask yourself, is it this or the floor?
After careful consideration, you muster up the last ounce of energy to scale the rickety structure. Each step you climb brings you closer to the summit. Once you reach your pillow, you can finally lay down to rest after exhausting your body, accomplishing what was once the unthinkable.