Sport or Not: Library Seating

One of the most common pieces of advice students receive before college is, if you want to study, do it anywhere but your dorm. There are too many distractions there, they say. No, if you truly wish to get any work done, you must go to the library. Quiet, calm and free of any bed calling your name. But what happens when the entire student body is following that very same piece of advice too?

Picture this: It’s 1:45 p.m., you just got out of class and you have a huge test tomorrow. It’s still early, there are still classes going on, the library can’t be that full, right? Wrong. The library is always full.

You wander aimlessly, trying to find a seat. Desktops taken, study rooms occupied, tables spoken for. Even the cubicles behind the bookshelves are reserved. There seems to be no hope, until eventually, some deity takes pity on you and an empty seat reveals itself. You snatch it up, settle in and open your computer with a wistful smile. At last, you have found a place and it’s time to get some work done.

But the table is too short. And the chair is too stiff. And you just spent the last hour scrolling on your phone. The library’s empty now, as devoid of people as you are of motivation. You sigh, you stand and tomorrow, you will do it all again.

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