The 54th student senate held their seventh meeting of the semester on Tuesday, Oct. 23 in Student Union (SU) 418.
Student Association (SA) President Josh Simpson informed senators that President Donald Christian’s meeting with the senate to discuss Park Point is next week.
Simpson also said he and SA Vice President Manuel Tejada spoke with Director of Student Activities and Union Services Mike Patterson about the disenfranchisement of off-campus and commuter students and came up with ideas on how to bring them back onto campus.
A meeting between Simpson, General Manager of Food Service Ralph Perez-Rogers and Executive Director of Campus Auxiliary Services (CAS) Steve Deutsch was arranged to discuss the legislation senate passed at their previous meeting and to talk about adding a food option to the College Terrace late night study room.
Tejada said he spoke to Associate Vice President of Student Affairs Ray Schwarz to discuss why a two-strike drug policy is in place on campus. He said Schwarz said the public image and history of SUNY New Paltz plays a large role in why the school has been hesitant to move to a three-strike drug policy.
Vice President of Academic Affairs Jonathan Espinosa led a discussion about how students have not been informed that print quotas are no longer able to be reset for free.
Espinosa said he is meeting with Provost Phillip Mauceri to discuss academic concerns, including the issue of retiring faculty not being replaced and three-hour classes causing scheduling conflicts.
Vice President of Finance Youssouf Kouyo spoke to senate about the email that was sent to students regarding HD channels. He said senators’ concerns include the survey being too general and the fact that Kouyo was not informed before it was sent out.
Council of Organization Chair Rose Faber said the next council meeting is at 7:30 p.m. in SU 62/63 on Monday, Oct. 29, where SA Production nominations will be held.
Senate Chair Yaritza Diaz said the goals list was posted in the SA Executive Board office, SU 419, next to a suggestion box where students can provide input.
In addition, a program that would allow students to view election coverage was discussed. Problems with the 10 p.m. noise ordinance prevents students from convening on the Student Union Plaza and the search for an indoor facility that would accommodate a large number of students is being considered.
Senate reports for the night included suggestions for improving the Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) and automotive services on campus.
Brenna Conens, a NYPIRG intern, said more than 100 people attended the final presidential debate screening. She also encouraged senators to spread the news about NYPIRG’s “Trick or Eat” food drive.
The female seat on the Judicial Hearing Committee was filled, as well as one of the SA appointed seats on the Pepsi Marketing Committee. Two seats remain open on the Academic Affairs
New Paltz Village Board trustee Ariana Basco led a discussion about Park Point, a proposed 732 bed housing development for New Paltz students, encouraging senators to attend the public meeting at Town Hall on Monday, Oct. 29 at 7:30 p.m. The Town Planning Board will conduct a Coordinated State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) review of the Park Point New Paltz Housing project at the meeting.
Basco asked why the housing development’s environmental impact is not being prioritized and noted that if the building is going to last decades, it needs to be built correctly for the future.
The next senate meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 30 at 9 p.m. in SU 418.