New Paltz Rally for Reproductive Rights On Oct 8 Close to Campus Next to Chase Bank, P&Gs and Starbucks
Dear SUNY New Paltz Students,
Join New Paltz Women in Black this Saturday, October 8th, for a national day of action to help us send the message: Women Demand Our Rights. Women all around the country are uniting for a fall of reckoning. We will not sit back and accept the attacks on our right to control our own bodies and lives.
Since October 8th marks 30 days until Election Day, we’re more fired up than ever to elect more women and pro-choice candidates around the country. We’re ready for the Women’s Wave.
We will gather from 12:30PM to 1:30PM on our vigil corner in front of the Elting Library, 93 Main Street, New Paltz. We urge women and our allies to join us in raising our voices, holding our signs and spreading the message for reproductive justice. We will not be silent as our rights are stripped away. Reproductive health is a human right.
The overturn of Roe v Wade shows that we must be in the streets to make sure politicians and the courts heed our demands. Attacks on abortion rights are part of a broader attack on all sexual rights including LGBTQ rights.
More information is at womensmarch.com
On this website if you hit the link “march with us” you will be directed to the next link “find an action near you.” Enter 12561 to join us or enter a zip code or city to find an action elsewhere.
-Rosalyn Cherry
New Paltz Women in Black