Throughout the semester there have been numerous ways the SUNY New Paltz Athletic and Wellness Center (AWC) has come up with fun ways to get the students involved in exercise for prizes, and there is now another: Being the 10,000th user of the facilities.
Yes, that’s right. The AWC was approaching the milestone of 10,000 people using the facilities this semester. That includes everyone who has shown up for the east curve, west curve, Elting Gym, pool and group exercise classes. These numbers went up fast; on Oct. 26 the count was up to 8,522 users, and by Nov. 5, the count was up to 9,836.
One lucky student going in for their workout was surprised with the fact that they are the lucky big 10. What did this mean for them? They received Hawk apparel and a picture with the beloved Hugo the Hawk in front of the New Paltz backdrop.
On Nov. 6, first-year women’s basketball player Jenny Walton was the 10,000th user of the semester.
“It was so exciting because I wasn’t expecting it at all,” Walton said. “I got a bucket hat, blanket, t-shirt and a picture with Hugo. I was super happy with it and was so excited to win!”
“[I] thought it would be a cool thing to advertise as a showcase of what we have been able to accomplish during these times,” said Kevin Makarewicz, assistant wellness and recreation director and aquatics director.
Makarewicz explained that the student would be told on the spot when they swipe in. Then the person working will take the students contact information to arrange a time to come back so the student is able to enjoy the exercise or class they originally came in for.
It seems a perfect way to bring a little fun into the current situation. Due to New York State guidelines, all indoor gym facilities must remain at a capacity of 33%. New Paltz needed a way to track users accurately this semester, which has been done through the app IMLeagues.
Makarewicz said they are not sure yet what they will do with the count over break, but he said he could foresee them doing another promotion like this in the spring.