Athlete of the Week – Matt Misser
SPORT: Basketball
YEAR: Second Year
MAJOR: Finance
HOMETOWN: Smithtown, New York
How Did You First Start Playing Basketball?
I first started playing basketball when I was about seven years old. My dad played throughout college, and I always loved watching basketball on television and shooting hoops when I was really young, so that was a pretty strong influence on me. I started playing in small leagues with some of my friends, and I have had a passion for the game ever since.
Outside Of Playing Basketball, What Do You Like To Do?
Outside of basketball, I really enjoy other sports, such as football and baseball, but I also love listening to music and traveling, which I plan to really pursue after I finish my time here at New Paltz.
Who Are Your Biggest Role Models?
My biggest role models are definitely my parents, for they have always been there for me no matter what and they have inspired me to work hard and to reach for my goals since a very young age. Their hard work, dedication and resilience has definitely rubbed off on me and I strive to make them proud each day.
Are You A Fan Of Any Professional Teams?
I’m a big fan of the New York Knicks, New York Giants and New York Yankees. I’m most passionate about the Knicks and Giants, however, because I prefer watching basketball and football over baseball.
Do You Have Any Sports-Related Superstitions?
Some sports-related superstitions I have are that I listen to the same music playlist before every game and I can never leave a gym without making my last shot.
What’s Your Favorite Sports Memory?
Being a big Giants fan, and a not so big Patriots fan, my favorite sports related memory is when the Giants upset the undefeated Patriots in the 2008 Super Bowl. That will go down as one of the best moments in sports history.
Do YOU Want To Be Athlete Of The Week?
Contact Michael Rosen at Rosenm2@hawkmail.newpaltz.edu