Athlete of the Week – Anthony Bonilla
SPORT: Volleyball
YEAR: Second
MAJOR: Mathematics
HOMETOWN: New Paltz, New York
How Did You First Start Playing Volleyball?
Some of my earliest memories were around a volleyball court. My dad was coaching both the men’s and women’s teams here at SUNY New Paltz when I was younger and I remember him putting my sister and I into the ball carts and how I would always run after the balls flying around the gym. I guess playing the sport after all that was just a given.
Outside Of Volleyball What Do You Like To Do?
Honestly almost all my time goes into playing volleyball or training for it. With the little free time I have left over I hang out with friends, play video games and write computer science codes.
Who Are Your Biggest Role Models?
As cliche as it sounds, my dad is my biggest role model. He has always supported me, coached me and given me opportunities to play the sport I love while growing up in an area where it’s practically nonexistent. The drive to live up to his past successes, and maybe one day surpass him, keeps me going.
Are You A Fan Of Any Teams?
What’s funny is that for most sports teams I am never a huge fan of the local teams around. I support the Cincinnati Bengals, San Antonio Spurs and for volleyball I am a fan of the Polish men’s team and the Russian women’s team.
Do You Have Any Superstitions?
I have two different colored knee braces; the gray one always goes on my left knee and the black one goes on the right. Also when we warm up before a game, I never pass the ball without pushing up my sleeves first.
What’s Your Favorite Sports Memory?
Starting in my first ever college match really stands out to me. The over-bearing pressure, the crowd’s excitement and my first chance to ever represent not only my school but also my hometown made it so exciting for me.
Do YOU Want To Be Athlete Of The Week?
Contact Michael Rosen at Rosenm2@hawkmail.newpaltz.edu