Piloting Our Student Body

October 27, 2011 oracle 0

SUNY New Paltz President Donald Christian assembled a student advisory group with 15 to 18 students as a way for him and the administration to learn about SUNY New Paltz and keep in touch with students needs and interests. The students on this group will include a diverse group including non-traditional students, transfer students and athletes. They will be speaking to the administration about their experience at SUNY New Paltz. While we at The New Paltz Oracle applaud the administration for branching out to different kinds of students, we hope the students who are on the group take advantage of this opportunity and voice their concerns about […]

Sowing the Seeds of Unity

October 13, 2011 oracle 0

Congratulations SUNY New Paltz: last week’s local food celebration, “Farm Fest,” was an example of what strong organization and students working toward a common goal can achieve. For years, we at The New Paltz Oracle have stressed that students should become more involved in the New Paltz community. Each time we face a crisis – whether it be academic, financial or emotional – we urge our friends and peers to come together as one to help those in need. Students for Sustainable Agriculture, an organization that played a critical role in last weekend’s event, did just that. The combined efforts of Students […]

What is the One Demand?

October 6, 2011 oracle 0

Much like there were signs, blog posts and Facebook event pages created for the protest held yesterday on our campus, those behind their self-proclaimed revolution on Wall Street also created poster-like imagery to promote their cause. The initial image, depicting a dancer perched on top of one of the most famous statues in the financial district, features text that begs the following question: “What is our one Demand?” The problem is, we don’t know. That is why we at The New Paltz Oracle feel the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors should borrow […]