Cats of New Paltz features
the friendliest, most adventurous cats located across the New
Paltz area. This week’s featured cat belongs to the Oracle’s very
own managing editor, Rob Piersall.
Name and Breed
Luke a.k.a. Julie a.k.a. Susie, came into my family when I was just 8-years-old. My dad’s coworker’s cat had kittens and if no one took them, they were going to be brought to an animal shelter. He took Luke home and dropped him on my couch. My mom wasn’t ready for another cat after we had lost our cat Googie just a year or so prior, but Luke quickly jived into our family and has been a mainstay ever since. He’s a black and white, crooked-eyed martian looking boy who is the smartest and most wonderful cat ever.
About Luke
Luke is starting to slow down in his old age, but in his prime, he was always looking to start a playfight, chase your hands as you walked by with a little slap and noogie you when you were just chilling out. These days, he rests a lot and isn’t as active as he used to be, but is just as smart as he’s always been. His love is infectious and he will give you a big old meow whenever you walk into the house.
Luke’s Pastimes
There’s nothing Luke loves more than to sleep by mom’s head when she’s sleeping, to put his paws on my shoulder and rub his face against mine or to chow down on some treats. He is always down to make new friends and spread his love to everyone.