Copy Desk Cookoff: Late Night Bacon

It’s my turn to write for the Copy Desk Cookoff, eh? Well, as many of you may not have guessed, I actually am a decent cook (especially when it comes to Mexican food, thanks to a mother hailing from Phoenix, Ariz.).

But as many of you would have most definitely assumed, I am not going to take this “cookoff” seriously, because lolololol.

This is one that I got from the nationally-known TV show starring Rachael Ray, who is known for her quick and easy recipes loved by busy mothers throughout America. This one is a really helpful, useful tip from who is evidently a genius of a woman:


“Late Night Bacon.”

What you’re going to need:

1) Already cooked bacon, left over in your refrigerator (from either the morning or day before).

2) A microwave.

Prep Time: one minute

Cook time: five minutes

Math time: 5+1=?        Answer: (6)

Total number of minutes: Around six minutes!

Take your cold bacon and wrap it in a paper towel. Put that shit in the microwave. Cook it for four to six minutes. Take it out. Eat it.

I think we’re really fortunate that our country’s economy supports, televises and overpays people as smart as Rachael Ray. How could we not have figured out such a wonderful recipe without a brain like hers behind the operation? Who would have guessed placing bacon in a microwave would heat it up to such delicious perfection? And at night?!  Ray really is a daredevil.

Good times, Cookoff.

Kindlon, out.