Karl’s Curtain Call

I thoroughly enjoyed my time here at The New Paltz Oracle. I learned more here than I ever did in any of my journalism classes about how to write, report and edit properly. I’m so grateful for my experience here because honestly, I would probably be a journalism scrub without it.

Deciding to leave was not an easy choice. I thought about it for a long time and ultimately made the decision with a heavy heart. It isn’t something I wanted to do but something that I knew I needed to do.

I’m going to miss being Features Editor. I’m going to miss seeing stories fly into my inbox on Wednesday afternoons, I’m going to miss hearing wacky story ideas from contributors, I’m going to miss telling people what to do.

But most of all, I’m going to miss all of the amazing people I had the pleasure of working with here at the Oracle.

Kristen, I have a ton of respect for you and the job you’ve done as both Managing Editor and Editor-In-Chief. I don’t know how you keep such a calm demeanor and level head while dealing with us fools. Good luck to you in the future, I’m sure you will be successful wherever you go.

Sam, you have a great skill in your ability to write about music. I hope to read your work in Rolling Stone one day.

Monique, I’ve personally seen an extraordinary improvement in your writing and reporting over time. Keep it up!

Jess and Anthony, I didn’t get to talk to you two very much, but you both seem like genuinely nice people who have a great future ahead.

Rachael, congratulations on the promotion! To be honest, you deserved it awhile ago. Keep up the good work.

David and Holly, you’re both exceptionally talented photographers. I wish I had that kind of skill because every time I take a photo it’s blurrier than a night at P&G’s.

Kintura, I’ll probably be seeing more of you once I start coming up to our internship on Wednesdays. Looking forward to being silly in Albany with you.

Jon, your Toon Link gets better every time I play it. Keep training and soon you will be on my level. Oh, and I am truly sorry I only got to work with you so briefly, but I’m sure you’re not too mad that I’m not your “boss” any more.

Jack, I hear you’re taking over my position. Don’t mess it up kid. I’m going to miss arguing politics with you from time to time, you’ve got to be the smartest and nicest conservative I’ve ever met. Well, maybe except for my grandpa. He’s pretty damn cool.

Mike, you’re the man. You always made production nights more enjoyable with your sports talk and crazy antics.

Melissa, you’ve been a good friend for years now. You were one of the people who got me onto the Oracle in the first place, by asking me to bring an ice cream sandwich up to the office on production night. Then all of a sudden Abbott and Andrew were asking me if I wanted to join! Also you’re still gonna get that work in Madden.

Nate and Melanie, you two were the people who made me actually want to keep going to production nights and sit on the copy desk looking through endless stories. I remember loving our ridiculous card games when the nights were winding down and everyone was basically dead.

Melanie, you’re probably going to be editor-in-chief one day, and you will have earned it. Always remember to be confident. Don’t ever doubt yourself.

Nate, I’m going to miss you a lot dude. Of course, we’re still going to hang out. Good luck with the rest of the semester on the paper and remember, dank times are still ahead.

Russell, uh, well you’re leaving too, and I live with you. So really there’s no reason to even include you in this. Oops.

It’s been a blast. I’m sad to go but excited to see what comes next. I look forward to reading the Oracle every Thursday and seeing the amazing content you guys can create.