Sabrina Bergas’ love for makeup started when she was young, and she was inspired when she watched her grandmother apply lipstick. Now she can take her growing passion and inspire others to wear makeup that complements their faces.
Bergas, a fourth-year public relations major at SUNY New Paltz, has plenty of knowledge about makeup application. She hopes to combine her major with cosmetology and make a name for herself in the makeup industry, but for right now, she is working locally on faces of New Paltz.
“At 22, makeup is so much more to me; makeup makes me feel free to be who I am. I say free because makeup makes me comfortable and confident. Some people may think it’s silly or covering up but in my opinion, everyone should do what makes them happy. Makeup makes me happy,” Bergas said.
According to Bergas, wearing makeup is not a sign of superficiality, but it can boost confidence or it can lift someone’s mood.
“I have seen others wear makeup for the first time and feel so lively and surprised with how much a little lipstick can do to your mood. I enjoy helping and encouraging my friends to wear makeup and try it,” Bergas said.
If fact, makeup can improve the lives of others who are not sure of themselves. Makeup can help people realize their naturally beautiful features and accentuate them how they like. Bergas hopes to help others feel good about themselves by pointing out the potential makeup has as a quick pick me up.
New Paltz also inspires Bergas, a transfer from SUNY Delhi, to learn more about herself and others within the community.
“New Paltz has given me a new perspective on life with the activism, body positivity and friendliness I encounter everyday around campus. Before New Paltz, I was not enthusiastic about following my dreams. I thank New Paltz for broadening my horizons on so many levels. This has helped me create my blog and video.”
The blog she created, “Glam Crazy University,” is a makeup blog that helps her to reach a broader base of makeup enthusiasts or beginners. Originally made for one of her social media classes, she has continued to update and post information to educate others about the nuances of makeup.
After college, she hopes to further a career in cosmetology and reach a broader customer base.
“As a public relations major, my main goals are to work as a publicist for a makeup company and to attend a cosmetology school to perfect my makeup skills. I plan to keep my blog up and running with my reviews on products, how to apply makeup, my opinions and videos. After college, I want to stay within the makeup industry and create a name for myself.”
For now, New Paltz will be her main environment to test her makeup skills on community members. Her suitemates and others who know her trust her judgment and advice when they aren’t sure of the correct mixtures of colors, application style, etc.
“I am open to working on the beautiful faces of New Paltz. I want as much practice as I can get on all different color skin tones. If someone is open to working with me, I’ll be so excited. My suitemates usually come to me for makeup advice. I love to give them advice and help them think out of the box with different shades of lipstick they would never try and help them with which brushes do what. I have so much advice to offer and would love for some new friends,” Bergas said.
According to Bergas, makeup is a niche that allows her to enhance creativity and help others at the same time, therefore benefitting both parties.
“I hope to improve the lives of others by inspiring them to always feel good about themselves no matter what,” Bergas said. “If makeup is what makes you feel good, do it. I am always open to help someone and go with someone to find makeup. Makeup is my passion, which means I love to help, so they would know they are getting good assistance.”