Sean Morrison
YEAR: Fourth (Transfer)
MAJOR: Contemporary Music Studies
HOMETOWN: Newburgh, N.Y.
What is your instrument of choice? Why?
Piano. I started playing more as a therapy practice at 17 as a way to relax at the end of the day. My father plays guitar and he taught me a few things but there was always a piano in the house. I would listen to Radiohead and try to figure out simple melodies. I just mostly used my ear. It’s just fun and cool to play.
Who are you currently listening to?
Stanton Moore, Radiohead, Bill Evan, Soulive.
Who are your main influences?
Bill Evans, Medeski, Martin and Wood, Derek Trucks, Ruben Gonzalez.
What are you involved in on/off-campus that is music related?
Prysmatic Mantis, Los Prostestos, Space Jam. I’m also in jazz ensemble on campus.
What will you do with your degree?
Find a job. (Laughs). Start teaching. See if I can manipulate kids to think piano is cool so they can pay me. Graduate school for education, hopefully.