The 50th student senate elected the Campus Auxiliary Services (CAS) Board off-campus student representative and confirmed seats to three committees at their last general meeting on Tuesday.
The legislative body confirmed Carrie Sauer, a third-year double-major in industrial/organizational psychology and sociology, to the off-campus student representative position for CAS Board after Student Association (SA) President Jennifer Sanchez nominated her for the seat.
Sauer, who also works as a mentor for commuter students, said she wants to propose the expansion of hours for on-campus food venues as a member of CAS board.
When explaining how her job as a commuter mentor will help benefit her role on CAS Board, Sauer said she could use the feedback from her mentees.
“I sort of internalize it…[and] it doesn’t really go anywhere,” she said. Sauer said using the feedback from commuters would be a good way to get something accomplished on the CAS Board.
Senate Chair Terrell Coakley and Sens. Chris Albach, Erica Peña, Karen Ortiz, Victoria Samakai and Jonathan Espinosa were confirmed to the University Police Department (UPD) Committee.
The senators all expressed interest in having a say and improving the way the university police department deals with issues on campus.
Sen. Megan Grieco acknowledged that while some of the students had experiences with the UPD, those who may not have had experience with the UPD have heard students talk about issues with law enforcement officials.
“So, it’s cool that they’re all very interested in this because they’ve heard students talk about it before and they want to get involved,” Grieco said.
Before CAS Board Elections, Presiding Officer of Faculty Governance Simin Mozayeni stood before the legislative body and asked them to help fill student representation seats for the Academic Senate, Academic Affairs Committee, Academic Appeals Committee, Curriculum Committee, Budget, Plans and Goals Committee and Educational Technology Committee.
According to Mozayeni, the Academic Senate has five available seats for one student in each school (the School of Business, the School of Fine and Performing Arts, School of Education, the School of Liberal Arts and the School of Science and Engineering). The Academic Appeals Committee is open to one student and the rest of the committees have six available seats – two seats for liberal arts and sciences students, and one representative of each school for the remaining four seats.
Mozayeni told students to run for the positions and said being a part of a committee is a great opportunity and experience.
“I really encourage you to help us to echo your voice,” said Mozayeni.
Later in the meeting, Sens. Erica Peña and Suzanna Musalin were confirmed seats on the Curriculum Committee, which works on issues like the development and curriculum of major and minor programs.
Sen. Marc Pottak was elected to be the student liaison seat on the New Paltz Village Police Commission. Even though Pottack was elected by the student senate, he has to be confirmed to the position by members of the Police Commission.
Even though the student liaison does not have voting power, Pottak said he hopes to change that if he is confirmed to the seat.
The next student senate meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 19 in Student Union 418.