The Carmine Liberta Bridge that crosses the Wallkill River at the bottom of Main Street in New Paltz has received $400,000 earmarked by the New York State Governor’s office for projects related to community resilience of storm damage, according to New Paltz Village Mayor, Tim Rogers.
Ulster County lawmakers approved the improvements to the bridge last September with nearly $500,000 in aid provided by the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery, the Daily Freeman reports. The project calls for the opening of a temporary bridge just north of the existing structure. This will allow motorists to cross the Wallkill River on State Route 299 and hopefully not impede traffic too much.
The funds for the planning and implementation of these improvements come from the $6 million the Governor’s office previousely set aside for the Town and Village of New Paltz under the NY Rising Reconstructive Program. In New Paltz, the initiative calls for a study of flooding of the Wallkill Watershed and alternatives to flood control including bioswales, rain gardens, use of permeable surfaces and protection of wetlands and green spaces.