Council Elects New Members To Positions

At the Council of Organizations meeting on Feb. 27, Student Association Executive Vice President of Finance Youssouf Kouyo began the meeting by introducing the procedure for the Budget and Finance Committee (BFC) weekend.

Kouyo said he and 10 members are going to spend the weekend of March 30 to April 2 to review the budget proposals for clubs and organizations. Their job is to allocate $1.5 million among the clubs for next year.

He also added this year there is $33,775 left in the General Programming budget and $70,000 left in the Conference Budget.

“For next year if you’re planning to have a budget for your club,” Kouyo said, “you can just request money and there is a large chance you will be approved for it.”

New clubs chartered after Spring 2011 cannot request a budget and must wait until next year. The budget request forms are in Student Union (SU) 428 and the office is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Budgets are due on March 28.

Following this, Council Chair Shayna Bentley led elections for BFC. The committee meets Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m.  The two nominated for the seat were Chioma Ukonu of SHADES Step Team and Devin Grady of NPC. Ukonu won the position.

Bentley then moved on to Student Association Productions (SAP) elections. Vice President of Programming Laneesha Bacchus said SAP meets every Monday at 8:30 p.m. in room 419 to set up the spring concert and work with the performer. Those nominated were Christina Singh, Envied Fashions and Avril Kumar, Art History Association and SSDP. Two seats were filled and three are remaining.

After was the Council Board elections. The meetings are on opposing Mondays to the Council of Organizations meetings. Their job is to look over new and old club charters and review new clubs that present. Sarah Best of Wellness Day Club filled the council seat.

At the end of the meeting each house was broken into groups to follow up on the Community Outreach and Development (COD) program. Clubs are encouraged to work toward their goals with other members of the campus and the community outside of their houses.

The next Council of Organization meeting will be on Monday, March 12 in SU 62/63.