Top Ten Existentialist Questions I Have

Google answers 3.5 billion questions a day, but somehow, I can’t seem to find the answers to these:  

1. Why can’t we just… do what we want? 

I understand the technicalities of not being able to do what you want. I understand there are social practices we have to abide by, classes we need to go to, money we need to make and/or have, laws we have to follow, etc. etc. etc.— I get it. Societies can’t function properly if everyone just did what they wanted whenever they wanted to. But. Hear me out. What if obligations and responsibilities didn’t exist and we had all the time in the world to… live our lives? Sounds nice, right? 

2. What are we doing? 

What are we doing here/in New Paltz/right now? Not in a self-doubting way, but one of genuine curiosity. Think of it in terms of Creed’s famous question from The Office: “If I can’t scuba, what’s this all been about? What am I working towards?”

3. What’s going on? 

I just have some general concerns as to what’s going on right now— in the world, in America, in the White House. I don’t think I’m alone in asking this question. It seems as though several questionable things are happening every day and no one is really sure why or how. 

4. Where are we going?

I don’t know, but I hope it’s good. 

5. Why would you say/do that? 

Catcallers— why would you say that? Donald Trump— why would you say that? Banks— why would you charge me for insufficient funds when I have insufficient funds? People, why aren’t we thinking? 

6. How can I help you?  

We can always do more to help other people, whether they ask for it or not. But how can I act in my every day life that makes your life a little better? 

7. Is this right?

I’ll never know! Is the whole joke of it that no one knows? How do you know when you’re doing something wrong? Someone should write guidelines. 

8. What do I not know that I do not know?

Ok, this is a hard one to get your head around, but think of everything you know, and then think of everything outside of that. There’s so much we don’t know that we don’t even know what we don’t know. Try saying that five times fast. 

9. Is it worth it? 

It depends on which “it” you’re talking about. Waking up for class, going to work, or basically just living your life. The idea behind it is to make things worth it so you don’t have to question them, but that’s easier said than done. 

10. What’s next? 

I’m asking this in every way possible. As someone who’s graduating in May, I’m constantly thinking about what’s next for me and every other person moving up in 2019, because whatever’s “next” is fast approaching. I guess the element of surprise is nice, never knowing what the future holds until it gets here. But let me know if you hear anything about it.